Aug 2, 2016 - What can you do with a new engrXiv post?


Submitting a pre or postprint to engrXiv is pretty easy, you can do it by just sending an email:

Send an email to the following address from the email account you would like used on the OSF:

For Preprints, email

The format of the email should be as follows:

Preprint Title

Message body
Preprint Abstract

Your preprint file (e.g., .docx, PDF, etc.)

Once sent, we will follow-up by sending you the permanent identifier that others can use to cite your work; you can also login and make changes, such as uploading additional files, to your project at that URL. If you didn’t have an OSF account, one will be created automatically and a link to set your password will be emailed to you; if you do, we will simply create a new project in your account. By creating an account you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy, including our information on Cookie Use.

Note that you can also submit to engrXiv by tagging an existing project with “engrxiv”.

What ‘s next?

So now that you’ve got your pre or postprint submitted, what else can you do? When you submit via email, OSF will automatically create a page for your eprint and send you an email with a link to it. On this page you have several options for how you can enhance your submission.


You can add tags to help categorize your eprint. This will help others find your eprint as well as any similar work which may have been given the same tag as tags can be searched.

Add co-authors

Where other people involved with your eprint? You can add them as “contributors” so make sure they get credit as well. If they are not on OSF already, you can enter their email address to send them an invite.


Last but certainly not least, you can select a desired license for your eprint.

Whatever fits your work!

With OSF as a backend for engrXiv, you have the flexibility to represent your work in whatever way works best for you. You can upload additional supporting documents to go along with your eprint or add more detail to the wiki page. All of it will be open and accessible to the engrXiv community!

Jul 28, 2016 - How to check a journal's eprint policy


Potential submitters to engrXiv might be worried about whether submission of their manuscript will prevent them from later submitting to the journal of their choice. Fortunately, SHERPA/RoMEO is here to help you navigate each publisher’s policies regarding preprints, postprints, copyright, and self-archiving.

For preprints, SHERPA/RoMEO will help authors determine if the publisher allows authors to post a preprint and still be considered for publication.

For postprints, authors may determine if they are allowed to post a post-peerreviewed manuscript, either in final publisher’s format or not.

As always, authors should refer to publisher policies posted on a journal’s website and contact the editor if anything is unclear. Also, in some cases these policies are negotiable and it is the author’s responsibility to know their rights and advocate on their own behalf.

Jul 27, 2016 - Announcing engrXiv, the eprint server for engineering


We are happy to announce the newly created eprint server for engineering, engrXiv! Through a partnership with the Center for Open Science, we are building a free, open access, open source archive for engineering research and design. The initiative responds to growing recognition of the need for faster, open sharing of research and design on a truly open access platform for all engineering disciplines. Papers on engrXiv will be permanently available and free to the public.

The field of engineering is at a bifurcation when it comes to publishing the methods, analyses, and results of research and design efforts. Engineers want to disseminate their results both for professional advancement and societal benefit, but many of the traditional publishing outlets can extend the time it takes for an engineering artifact to become public. engrXiv will enable engineers to rapidly disseminate their work to their colleagues and other stakeholders who will benefit from it. Free and open access to engineering knowledge has the power to enable faster development within the field and the ability to build capacity for change within communities for which it would be the most beneficial.

The partnership with the Open Science Framework lays the groundwork for a broader integration between engrXiv and the Open Science Framework that can provide access to not just engineering papers but also important engineering assets such as data, code, and design and computational models. It will also provide an environment for public peer review of these engineering assets. In short, the development and advancement of engrXiv will improve our ability to design and research, better connect us as engineers, and promote a greater sense of community around the dissemination of the ever-growing engineering body of knowledge.

The eprint server provides several important benefits to the engineering author:

  • Fast, free uploading of academic papers and open access for all readers
  • Free registration open to all, regardless of academic affiliation
  • Permanent identifiers that link to the latest version of a paper (authors can provide links to versions published elsewhere)
  • Full access and discoverability through Google Scholar and other research tools
  • The option to use any Creative Commons license
  • Comment and discussion on papers among registered users
  • Grouping of papers together for conferences or working groups
  • Analytics data on how often papers have been accessed
  • Easy sharing on social media sites – without requiring readers to register

“It is of paramount importance to the advancement of society that the knowledge and works contained within the field of engineering be openly accessible,” said engrXiv Director Devin Berg, an associate professor and engineer at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, which serves as the archive’s institutional home, “Regardless of an engineer’s discipline, there are countless individuals and communities who could benefit from their work but lack academic or professional affiliation that would grant them access to the traditionally published scholarly output.”

“It is vital that not only papers but also outcomes like data, code, designs, and computational models, can be shared, peer-reviewed and cited using a single framework. The engrXiv aims to provide such a framework, allowing scientists and engineers to rapidly share and discus all types of engineering works. Sharing not just results, but also the tools, data, and methods that led to them will enhance collaboration and reproducibility in engineering research.” said Kevin Moerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Papers on engrXiv may be linked to the full suite of services available free through the Open Science Framework. OSF supports project management and collaboration, connects services across the research and design lifecycle, and archives data, materials, and other engineering assets for private use or public sharing.

engrXiv is directed by a steering committee of engineers and members of the engineering librarian community. They are:

engrXiv is currently operating in beta mode, visit for more information and to get started posting your eprints. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

To make a tax-deductible contribution to engrXiv through the University of Wisconsin-Stout, visit:

arXiv is a trademark of Cornell University, used under license. This license should not be understood to indicate endorsement of content on engrXiv by Cornell University or arXiv.