Submitting a pre or postprint to engrXiv is pretty easy, you can do it by just sending an email:

Send an email to the following address from the email account you would like used on the OSF:

For Preprints, email

The format of the email should be as follows:

Preprint Title

Message body
Preprint Abstract

Your preprint file (e.g., .docx, PDF, etc.)

Once sent, we will follow-up by sending you the permanent identifier that others can use to cite your work; you can also login and make changes, such as uploading additional files, to your project at that URL. If you didn’t have an OSF account, one will be created automatically and a link to set your password will be emailed to you; if you do, we will simply create a new project in your account. By creating an account you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy, including our information on Cookie Use.

Note that you can also submit to engrXiv by tagging an existing project with “engrxiv”.

What ‘s next?

So now that you’ve got your pre or postprint submitted, what else can you do? When you submit via email, OSF will automatically create a page for your eprint and send you an email with a link to it. On this page you have several options for how you can enhance your submission.


You can add tags to help categorize your eprint. This will help others find your eprint as well as any similar work which may have been given the same tag as tags can be searched.

Add co-authors

Where other people involved with your eprint? You can add them as “contributors” so make sure they get credit as well. If they are not on OSF already, you can enter their email address to send them an invite.


Last but certainly not least, you can select a desired license for your eprint.

Whatever fits your work!

With OSF as a backend for engrXiv, you have the flexibility to represent your work in whatever way works best for you. You can upload additional supporting documents to go along with your eprint or add more detail to the wiki page. All of it will be open and accessible to the engrXiv community!