We are happy to announce that all eprints posted to engrXiv are now being automatically assigned a DOI on submission! Once your eprint is posted, the page will display the DOI on the right hand side.

Preprint only DOI screenshot

If during the submission process (or in a later update) you add a DOI for the final published article, it will display alongside the eprint DOI.

Preprint only DOI screenshot

This way readers will always be able to find and reference the appropriate version of your article.

We are also excited to announce that the engrXiv URL has gotten a little cleaner. Prior to today engrxiv.org acted as a simple redirect to osf.io/preprints/engrxiv. However, as of now, engrXiv.org will act as your final destination for engineering eprints! Further, all preprints hosted on engrxiv have their own url using their unique identifier of the form engrxiv.org/k7fgk/. We think that this new, cleaner URL scheme will make it easier to identify engrXiv URLs and we hope you like it too!